RM Unify
One login. One password.
All your apps.
RM Unify Headteacher/SLT/MAT Leader
With a single sign-on system like RM Unify, schools and trusts can streamline access to applications for teachers, staff and students, with just one secure set of login credentials. RM Unify simplifies administration, ensures data protection, and allows for greater focus on educational outcomes, whilst saving valuable IT budget.

Why invest in RM Unify?
Competitive pricing
Our pricing options are scalable for individual schools and MATs, and help you save your valuable IT budget for other things.
Central management for MATs
Our RM Unify Trust accounts provide easier access to online resources across your schools.
Customisable and accessible
Teachers and staff can access all of their applications and resources in one place, making planning and assessment much more efficient.
RM Unify is currently
used by over
7,500 schools
in the UK
740,000+ users
log in to RM Unify
every month. (*Including Glow
users in Scotland)
There are over
200 applications
(and growing) for users to
access in RM Unify
from the Launchpad
For more information, get in touch with our sales team today.