A 1:1 learning device for every pupil


RM StudyKIT       Headteacher

StudyKIT benefits teachers, pupils, parents and teaching staff in many ways. We've highlighted the top-level benefits that we think you, as a headteacher/CEO, would want to know. For more information about any of the below, you can get in touch with our dedicated sales team.

How will your school benefit from using RM StudyKIT?

How will your school benefit from using RM StudyKIT?

Flexible financial contributions

Our most popular payment plan is the parental contribution scheme. Parents cover the cost with regular contributions, saving your IT budget, and you can also off-set the cost of the device for Pupil Premium students. You could choose to ask for parental contributions to cover the whole monthly cost, or a percentage of it.

You can also fund the devices via CapEx/OpEX, or through a hybrid payment model. Just speak to our dedicated sales team about your requirements.

Equitable access

When schools and parents pool resources, you can ensure all students have access to the same technology and learning opportunities. With a 1:1 device programme, you can help to level the field where some students have good access to technology from home and others do not.


We’ll help you maintain and upgrade devices, ensuring children have access to the most effective and current technology. And with fewer paper-based exercise books required, your school operates in a more sustainable way.

Make your teachers’ lives easier

Teachers can easily track student engagement and progress, create interactive learning opportunities, and gain valuable time back.

Get in touch

The perfect device
for your students
The perfect device for your students

Personal device and case

Insurance and warranty

procurement options
Flexible procurement options

CapEx | OpEx

Parental contribution


Additional services

Device enrolment

Software licensing

Possible to include any of RM's wider service offerings

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