We have now released Network Agent v2 to live, which contains some infrastructure upgrades as well as some functional improvements. The RM Unify Network Agent facilitates the provisioning of users on your local network, driven from your MIS. For more information, please follow this article: RM Unify Network Provisioning.
In some circumstances, it is necessary for RM Unify to create users with usernames that exceed 20 Characters. The main case for this is to avoid duplication of usernames. The local network does not allow usernames to exceed 20 characters, which means that RM Unify cannot provision the user. We developed improved error handling in place to cater for this scenario, so that admins will be able to identify these cases more easily from the audit log.
User deletes
We have also improved how the Network Agent identifies a user that has been (temporarily) disabled in RM Unify, vs a user that has been deleted in RM Unify. The audit log will distinguish between disabled and deleted users and you can additionally configure Network Agent v2 to write RM Unify deleted information to an AD attribute of your choice. This will allow Admins to manage offboarding of users on the local network more effectively.
If you are an existing establishment of RM Unify Network Provisioning on Network Agent v1, we strongly recommend you upgrade to the latest version – v2. As of now, there will be no further development or security update patching of Network Agent v1. For more information on upgrading, please read this article: https://rm.com/Support/TechnicalArticle.asp?cref=TEC9126101