RM SafetyNet

KCSiE compliant web filtering software for education


What is RM SafetyNet?

RM SafetyNet is a web filtering solution that protects users from accessing illegal, inappropriate and potentially harmful content online. It does this by identifying and blocking specific web links and content in the form of text, images, audio and video.

Key Numbers
  • Fully KCSiE compliant
  • Cloud-based, meaning no additional hardware
  • User-based, age-based and time-specific filter rules
  • Protection for devices, on and off-site through SafetyNetGo (available for Windows, Chrome and iPad devices)
  • IWF Member
  • Automatic updates


I am a...

Safeguarding Lead/Teacher
Network Manager/IT Lead

Developed in partnership with...

Internet Watch Foundation | RM SafetyNet UK Safer Internet Centre | RM SafetyNet Counter Terrorism Policing | RM SafetyNet
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